ProRMSD Tutorial 2

a tool for automatic atom matching and RMSD calculation

This example will guide a new user through the calculation of the RMSD using ProRMSD.
For this tutorial, we will analyse the "re-docking" results of the complex between a minor groove binding drug, netropsin, and the DNA dodecamer d(CGCGATATCGCG) with a resolution of 2.4 Å (PDB code: 1DNE).
The ligand (netropsin) has been separated from the complex structure of the target, and then docked back into the target using the docking program HYBRID (OpenEye).
The docking program output is composed of the best docked pose of the ligand.
This file will be used as our input to calculate the RMSD of the predicted pose of the ligand from the known experimental pose in the complex structure.
  1. Download the input files: click on the two files to download them
  2. Upload these files in the "Upload the structure files" section of the ProRMSD tool
    Click on "Browse..." and select them or drag them in their respective box
  3. Choose the calculation mode: in this tutorial we will calculate the RMSD with the standard algorithm, thus select the "RMSD" button
    If you want to calculate the Backbone RMSD or the Superimposed RMSD click on their respective button
  4. Calculate the RMSD by clicking the "Calculate" button
If the RMSD values are coloured in green, then the job has run correctly.
The output is composed of the RMSD values, calculated between the reference pose and the predicted pose.
> For more information about ProRMSD and how to interpret the results, see ProRMSD Documentation.